
Wave Festival

Film / Bronze

Título: Dayjobbers – Drummer
Agência: the community
Anunciante: Converse

Diretor de criação: Joaquin Molla, Jose Molla, Ricky Vior, Marcelo Padoca, Fernando Reis, Juan Cruz Vasallo

Produtor da agência: Laurie Malaga

Outros créditos: Jeff Beck, Andy Amendola, Bernie Guzman Lopez, Daniel Gergely, Jackie Rivas, Veronica Lincoln

Sinopse: To inspire a whole generation of new artists to avoid becoming the next generation of fast food managers, Converse created a campaign to celebrate and support who they really are. The campaign was released on International Labor Day, showcasing the lives of three young artists who are struggling between their day jobs and their art. In a world so obsessed with celebrating results, we are celebrating the journey.

Diretor de Arte: Guilherme Nobrega 

Produtora: Andy Murillo

