
Wave Festival

PR / Ouro

Título: Essa Coca é Fanta
Agência: DAVID
Anunciante: Coca-Cola

Diretor de criação: Rafael Donato, Edgard Gianesi

Produtor da agência: Fabiano Beraldo, Fernanda Peixoto, Renata Neumann, Gabriela Boghosian, Julia Padovan

Redator:: Fernando Pellizzaro

Atendimento: Carolina Vieira, Stefane Rosa, Pedro Zetune, Gustavo Appendino

Produtora de som: Jamute

Sinopse: “Essa Coca é Fanta” é uma expressão pejorativa que tem sido usada há anos para descrever homossexuais. Para sensibilizar a sociedade a respeito do tema, Coca-Cola lançou uma edição especial do produto com Fanta dentro e a mensagem “Essa Coca é Fanta. E daí”. O produto dominou as redes sociais e engajou as pessoas ao redor do assunto, dando um novo significado a expressão.

Diretor de Arte: Jean Zamprogno

Produtora: Landia, O2

A situação:: The world is full of homophobic expressions such as “He plays for the other team” or “He is a pillow bitter”. In Brazil, one of the most famous expressions is “Essa Coca é Fanta” which in English means: “That Coke is a Fanta”. For years, this expression was used to make fun and bully LGBT+ community in the country. Hundreds of offensive memes were created and even songs, all with the discriminatory intentions. It was time for us to do something about that.

O objetivo:: Coca-Cola wanted to support a change in attitude towards the LGBT group, supporting divertsity and encouraging the society to engage in a conversation about the idea.

A estratégia:: The past year, Coca-Cola Brazil saw a decline in sales among younger generations, mainly due to a lack of relevance with the brand, perceived as too old-school. As we explored potential business solutions, we quickly realized the first thing to do in order to convert them into the next generation of Coke drinkers was to first capture their hearts. With Coca-Cola’s track record of cultural relevance movements and being a connection point with the brand and younger audience, it was the right time to make a statement. While “Essa Coca é Fanta” has always been an offensive term, a brand like Coke taking action and reinterpreting its meaning into positive was the right move to re-connect with younger crowd. The solution was literally in our hands.

Execução:: With Coca-Cola owning both brands, Coke and Fanta, we had the best-case scenario. We created special iconic red Coca-Cola cans with the message printed on the surface: “This Coke is a Fanta. So, what?” challenging this homophobic bias. By the end we had the final product, a Coke with Fanta inside. The cans were initially distributed internally at Coca-Cola and to key influencers, but they took over social media and the streets, with people making their own DIY Coca /Fanta bottles, carnival costumes, clothes, cellphone covers, transforming this expression in a symbol for Coke and Brazilians to fight prejudice.

Resultados documentados:: – 1 Billion media impressions for a local market idea, with 0 U$ media spent. – Media coverage in all major news channels including Veja, Globo, Hypeness, Exame, and Hypeness. – Google search bar is one of the best thermometers of pop culture in Brazil and we changed it without media spent, only organic reach and engagement. Before our campaign, if you searched “Essa Coca É Fanta” on Google, the first thing that pops up on search was offensive homophobic memes, all related to homophobic words. Now, “Essa Coca é Fanta” is only exclusively related to empowerment and pride terms.- Biggest search on Google history for the term”That Coke is a Fanta”.- Trending topic on Twitter. – The can changed a Homophobic expression into a empowering statement of pride

