
Wave Festival

PR / Ouro

Título: Whopper em Branco
Categoria: D03. Corporate Social Responsibility
Agência: DAVID
Anunciante: Burger King

Sinopse: A últimas eleições presidenciais foram o caos no país. Amigos brigando, familiares deixando de se falar e uma apatia nunca antes vista, que foi traduzida em números: 29% dos eleitores pretendiam votar em branco ou nulo. Se branco e nulo fossem candidatos, eles poderiam vencer as eleições.
Mas quando alguém vota em branco, abre mão do direito de escolher do seu jeito e quando fazem isso outros escolhem por eles. Como Burger King tem no seu slogan a mensagem “do seu jeito”, era hora de incentivar o público a exercer seu direito de escolha, numa das eleições mais polêmicas de todos os tempos. Para isso, fizemos elas provarem o godto de votar em branco, com o hambúrguer mais famoso do BK: Whopper.

Sinopse em inglês: In Brazil, voting is mandatory, but people can still choose to vote in protest by pressing the blank ballot or selecting a nonexistent number (the null vote).
In the last presidential elections, voter apathy reached an all-time high, with 29% of voters intending to vote blank or null, according to the pre-election polls – a number that would surpass all candidates.
But when people vote blank, they give up their right to have it their way, and when they do this, others choose on their behalf. So, we let them try the taste of voting blank, Burger King’s most famous burger: Whopper.

A situação: After the World Cup, people could only talk about the elections on social media, whatsapp groups, at the bars and, in fact, wherever you went.

The last Brazilian president was impeached, the one before her is in jail and Brazil remains to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

Thus, it was the most heated elections ever and despite having 13 candidates to choose from, voters didn’t know who to vote for and the blank vote was leading the polls.

One of the most famous Burger King’s tagline is “have it your way”. The elections are the most important moment to have it your way, but people were going to give up their right to have it their way, so Burger King decided to do something about this. Something that only a bold brand could do.

O objetivo: The campaign was an innovative way to bring awareness to the brand and its tagline, while giving back power to people to have it their way in such an important decision

A estratégia: The strategy consisted in waiting for the best opportunity to run our film, where people could have a taste of a blank vote. So, during the commercial break of the most expected TV debate, the ad went on air.

Execução: To make blank voters try the taste of voting blank, we went to one of the most iconic avenues in Brazil, where people go to take part in political protests, and we placed a replica of the machine where people vote – in Brazil, the vote is electronic – but with no number and only two buttons: blank vote and confirm.

Then, we asked people for whom they would vote for in the presidential election, and those who declared the intention to vote blank were sent to this machine where they were recorded.

The result was a 1-minute video which we launched during the biggest television debate of Brazil’s presidential run.

In the video we showed blank voters receiving a Blank Whopper: a sandwich made with ingredients chosen by someone else (actually just two buns filled with onions and mayo). In the end, this burger became a huge metaphor and a real lesson in citizenship that influenced people to vote consciously, telling them that when they vote blank, they can’t complain about the results.

Resultados documentados: BK’s ad went viral and became a Global Trending Topic on Twitter – since people naturally were watching the debate and commenting on social media. After that, the bomb exploded and the Blank Whopper campaign invaded the whole internet. The ad became a Youtube Trending Video, was mentioned by the most important media vehicles in the country – such as Veja, Globo, Estadão and Folha de São Paulo – and reached people’s Whatsapp groups. Everyone was sharing it, even the candidates. It was a local market campaign that got more than 2.1 Billion media impressions.

And the results during the elections? Well, the search for the term “blank vote” on Google grew 133% in the same day, and the total of blank and null votes by the end of the elections turned out to be just 2.5%, the lowest rate in the last 20 years of democratic elections.

In the end, this simple burger became a huge metaphor and a real citizenship lesson that influenced people to vote consciously.

Informações adicionais: Nosso filme viralizou, sendo trending topics global no Twitter. Após isso, explodiu e virou tópico em toda a internet. Logo, virou Youtube Trending Video e o foi comentado pelo maiores veículos do país, como Veja, Globo, Estadão and Folha de São Paulo – até chegar aos grupos de Whatsapp. Todo mundo compartilhou, inclusive os próprios candidatos. Uma campanha local que atingiu mais de 2.1 Bilhões de impressões.

E os resultados das eleições? A procura pelo termo “voto em branco” no Google cresceu 133% em um dia, e o total de voto em branco ao final da eleição foi de apenas 2.5%, a menor porcentagem nos últimos 20 anos.

Assim, um simples hambúrguer se tornou uma importante metáfora e uma lição de cidadania que influenciou no voto de todo um país.

Informações adicionais em inglês: BK’s ad went viral and became a Global Trending Topic on Twitter – since people naturally were watching the debate and commenting on social media. After that, the bomb exploded and the Blank Whopper campaign invaded the whole internet. The ad became a Youtube Trending Video, was mentioned by the most important media vehicles in the country – such as Veja, Globo, Estadão and Folha de São Paulo – and reached people’s Whatsapp groups. Everyone was sharing it, even the candidates. It was a local market campaign that got more than 2.1 Billion media impressions.

And the results during the elections? Well, the search for the term “blank vote” on Google grew 133% in the same day, and the total of blank and null votes by the end of the elections turned out to be just 2.5%, the lowest rate in the last 20 years of democratic elections.

In the end, this simple burger became a huge metaphor and a real citizenship lesson that influenced people to vote consciously.

Produtora Delicatessen Filmes: Produtora de video

Produtora Jamute: Produtora de audio

Produtora The End:

Managing Director: Sylvia Panico

Vice Presidente de Criação: Rafael Donato

Diretor de criação: Edgard Gianesi

Redator: Maicon Silveira, Mayara Ribeiro, Lucas Vigliar, Bernardo Tavares

Diretor de arte: Paulo Damasceno, Thiago Ferreira

Diretor de atendimento: Carolina Vieira

Atendimento: Rafael Giorgino, Juliana Chediac, Roberta Magalhães, Martina Adati

Produção: Fabiano Beraldo, Brunno Cunha

Planejamento: Daniela Bombonato, Carolina Silva

Head of Innovation: Toni Ferreira

Mídia: Marcia Mendonça, Mateus Madureira

Social Media: Lucas Patrício

Diretor de Cena: Décio Matos Jr.

Aprovação Cliente: Fernando Machado, Marcelo Páscoa, Thais Nicolau, Natalie Bursztyn, Raffaella Martellini

Assessor de Imprensa: Sandra Azedo

