
Wave Festival

Film / Prata

Título: Bridges of food
Categoria: A02. Drink
Agência: Mercado McCann
Anunciante: Coca-Cola

Sinopse: Flavors can globally achieve what religion, politics, culture and ideologies can’t. When a flavor is extraordinary, there are no borders and any barrier can be knocked down. That’s why good food is accepted everywhere and for everyone. And that’s why we are the best thing for enhancing whatever your food is, wherever you are.

Sinopse em inglês: Flavors can globally achieve what religion, politics, culture and ideologies can’t. When a flavor is extraordinary, there are no borders and any barrier can be knocked down. That’s why good food is accepted everywhere and for everyone. And that’s why we are the best thing for enhancing whatever your food is, wherever you are.

Informações adicionais: When the world decides with its head it becomes divided. When we decide with our stomach we come together.

Informações adicionais em inglês: When the world decides with its head it becomes divided. When we decide with our stomach we come together.

